Atlanta has somehow become a craft beer mecca with some of the greatest beer bars in the world. This is a tribute to the beers and the bars.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Picks for the week

I don't see any clear winners, but there is a lot of good stuff out.  Here's my take on it.

The Porter-They still have a few Allagash left over from last week, most notably Fluxus and Hugh Malone.  Starting tomorrow Smuttynose will be taking over the taps.  The list will include Oak Aged G-Bock, Brett & I's, Oak Aged Big A IPA, Smutt-A-Roni, Wheat Wine, Strawberry Weiss, Finestkind IPA, Robust Porter, and Old Brown Dog.  I've recently had the G-Bock and Old Brown Dog and wasn't too impressed, though many of these are very limited releases so you may want to be one of the few to ever try them on tap.  I should say that many of these are highly regarded IPAs and wheat beers, but I just don't get very excited about either style.

The Brick Store Pub- The Founders Brewing Company's Backwoods Bastard looks good, but why is BSP serving a 10.2% beer in an 18 oz glass?  Same with the Sweetwater Happy Ending.  I love the beer, but who wants 20 oz of a 9% beer?  The Porter would have probably put the Founders in an 8 oz glass and I would order it.  Probably won't order this one.  Good thing they have a great Belgian selection right now.  Check out Mad Bitch, a great tripel that I think falls between the sweetness of Tripel Karmeliet and the bitterness of De Ranke Guldenberg, which is happily also on the menu.  If you're in the mood for a new dark Belgian, Terrapin's The Dark Side is a good Belgian style imperial stout.

Steinbeck's Public House- Sometimes you really just need one great light beer ad one great dark beer on the menu and right now Steinbeck's has it nailed with Stone IPA and Bells Expedition Imperial Stout.  I think each is one of the best examples of their style.  

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